Wednesday, June 29, 2005

There are some changes a comin'

We have been very blessed to have the quality photographers, models and writers (and illustrator-Sean) be a part of what we are doing. For the moment, their aren't any other magazine giving the eGirls/(Internet models) a voice. We let the models tell us, "why they like or dislike" certain photos and a way for the new eGirls/(Internet models) to showcase their talents throughout the USA.

We have some very interesting things happening and if you are reading this blog. All I can say is, "Stay tune."

Friday, June 24, 2005

It's no excuse, but . . .

I really have been busy, really. Our team is working on three issue right now and looking into doing a special International edition. I’ve been holding meeting and appointment with some great writers and photographers in Los Angeles and San Diego (more information to come). I was in the Los Angeles traffic for four hours on Wednesday after meeting with Art Phillips and leaving to go back to San Diego. I leafed Art’s office and got on the 101 freeway south, leaving at 3:00pm (Not a good ideal), Going to the 10 freeway east (Not a good ideal), into Riverside County, getting on the 215 freeway south meeting up with the 15 freeway south into San Diego. Arriving in San Diego at or about 7:45pm. As Art said when I told him about it the next day.. "You know LA traffic, so stop complaining about it!" enough said..
If you got one of the following needs. Credit-cards max-out? Need Cash? ? Refi or 1st time buyers. Had credit problems? It’s no problem to us. ! Money for any loan situation. Please lets talk to get you what you need. ! Contact our friend Art at: artisphillipsjr@yahoo Or, Phone: 818-996-3999 Ex-139 Be sure to tell Art you got info from eGirls News Magazine.

Monday, June 20, 2005

It's been busy!

Recently in our efforts to improve eGirls News Magazine. We have been advertising for both writers and photographers and the responds has been Great! In upcoming Issues you will see the flavor of San Diego and the style of LA in the writing and photographs.

It was a good weekend. Our photographic director, "Rico Roberts" attend the Asian Palooza event on Saturday and ran into several of the models being featured in our current Issue, The 2005 Sexy Internet Models in Bikini's, Thongs and Lingerie." Lilly Nguyen, Kat and several of our good friends, "Tiffany Shine, Lexi and Mai."

Mark over in Las Vegas is putting together another Red-Hott! (I like to spell Hot! - Hott!) pictorial with some new and stunning eGirls.

It's been busy and that's only the half of it. Got more to tell you about later.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

We got a little help! And, we needed it!!

Yes, I will be the first to admit .. "We have some pretty lousy typo's on our website and in some of our magazine Issues." It became even more clearer when we placed an ad in Craig List looking for writer's ... "And, those professional writers pointed out every error he had." I like that, you've got to be honest with not only the public, but, with the group you are working with (being a new start-up isn't an excue).

We received a revised clean copy of our website page , "How we got started ... our history ( ) from a fantastic writer (who didn't have to take the time and do it, but, that's a professional), " Will K. Shilling ( ) visit Will's webpage and see some of his work and of course you will also be able to see several upcoming articles and interviews in eGirls News Magazine. I would like to say, "Will, again Thanks!"

If you got the time, please read what we should have done. Ron/Editor


The story begins in 2002. There were three of us who had an idea, to start an online magazine (or, ‘zine, if you will) to showcase the beautiful women found on the Internet and living on the west coast of the United States. The three of us had photography backgrounds and knew how easy it would be to ask some girls to pose for us and then post the photos online. Not nudes, but, provocative pin-up poses.
At that time our photographic director, Jess James, was doing quite a lot of portfolio and glamour work in and around San Diego; and I was into promoting fashion shows and setting up personal appearances for Internet models. Doing a magazine, however, whether it's online or in print, is a very difficult job and it takes a team. We also found out that all of the pretty girls we were seeing, were either younger than we thought, didn't usually want to be on the Internet; but just as often, they quite frankly lack the visual quality demanded by professional, commercial photographic markets.
We were shooting and paying more--and getting less than what we wanted. We turned, shortly, to buying stock photos. But, as we grew and more traffic brought increased viewers and readership, we also got more email from our audience informing us on how they had seen what we were “calling new faces and new talent" on other web sites–and in a whole lot more revealing layouts than our pin-up style poses. We stopped buying stock photos and got lucky when we met “Mr. Photo Guy” himself, Rico Roberts. We originally were planning on doing a feature story about his great talent and the multitude of girls he’s shot, but instead asked if he would be interested in becoming the photographic director for West Coast PinUp Magazine. About this time, JessJames was getting so busy with his other work the situation worked out to everyone’s advantage.
Why have we stopped such a great project as WCTU mag? It simply became too much for a few people to handle properly--and so it's time for us to expand. We found ourselves–as we see on so many other web sites--showcasing the same girls over and over and over. Because the pool of models we were using are coming from a small niche pool of talented and beautiful women, it’s inherently limited. We wanted other types of people to get involved. Even though we have a combined membership online of between 10,000 and just less than 19,000, we were still having trouble collecting important marketing data on our members, or to get many of them to post information, inform us on upcoming events or provide photos to our photo album file. (And then came the spam: we spent more time deleting spam and virus links than necessary.)
Our members are great consumers, that much was obvious. But, they didn't join us to become freelance writers or photographers. Hence, we decided to start fresh. With both our online and newsstand editions of, we’ve begun to do just that, start anew.
Our goal is to open up more markets than currently available, both in the states and abroad, while guaranteeing to keep our current, valuable members as a founding database. Our expanded content will include compelling, regular articles and feature stories about the internet girls (our “eGirls”) found on the web–-plus, inside each (newsstand) issue will be our standard columns, editorial reviews and features; examples of which are "eGirls Auction News (eGirls with an auction where to locate them and what are some of the items being auctions)", "Not Worth the Money (Before you spend your money at the many eGirls websites, wouldn't you like to know if joining is worth pay for it?)," "Free Personal Classifieds Ads (Everyone likes the word Free and if you have a personal ad you want to place, we have the space for you on a first come, first served basis)," the largest listing of its kind in the "eGirls Websites & Yahoo Groups (with the adding each days of a thousand of new web sites and Yahoo Groups, turn to us to find what new and current)", "CD-rom/ DVD reviews (a valuable service with the huge number of hotties offering electronic layouts and features online)", "One Last Look (after reading each issue we want our readers to be left with one last image from the featured models). But that’s just a sampling, much more will be in each issue, as well, as our publications grow with our expanded content.
We hope you will join us, and enjoy the new ride we are just beginning: eGirls News Magazine.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sazzy Lee Varga Rises From The Dead ..

Last we say Sazzy Lee Varga she was being killed by a Chupacabra on Sci-Fi (Chupacabra Dark Seas) well she is back from the dead. Varga can be seen June 13, 2005 9 PM ET. on the Lifetime Channel- Premier of "Blind Injustice"Varga who was an assistant director on the film was asked to do yet another cameo performance, for which she has become well know. And speaking of her cameos we also had a glimpse of her on Court TV this past week in Premier of "The Tell-Tale Bomb"- The story of Michelle Ramskill-Estey. Sazzy was 1st Assistant Director on this show too, but was asked to do the cameo which shows her running with the "bomb" in hand."Cameo roles for celebrities are in vogue these days, if fact I have done so many cameo's I've had one camera guy refer to them as Sazzy-o's!" laughs Varga. " ...and keep an eye out as my 'Sazzy-o's are not done yet! "In this Lifetime Movie Monday Premier Varga plays the Alumni Clerk, which turns out to be kind of the bad guy in this film. The show stars Jamie Luner ("Melrose Place" and in "Profiler") Josie Davis ("The Young and the Restless," "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Charles in Charge") "It was great working with Jamie, she just does a phenomenal job in the role and is such a cool person." says Sazzy The film was produced by Regent Entertainment , and is directed by Rex Piano.

Be sure to visit Sazzy Lee Varga website at:

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hearing from Claudia ..

We got an email yesterday from one of the international eGirls Claudia Romani
( ) Fellow, she is one very good looking eGirl. We first showcase Claudia in our Premiere Issue and got quite a lot of interest about her. Now you can see more at the link above and hopefully in one of our upcoming Issues.

It not that often that we can say things are going pretty good .. but, "they are." With new models come aboard and we are now opening up more outlets to get you copies of eGirls News Magazine, things are going good.

One last thing. We are still looking for the cover model to our upcoming issue on, "Latin eGirls" got any ideals let us know.

Friday, June 03, 2005

We Got Some Sad News Today ...

To: "Ron"
From: "Charlie Page"
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 16:09:28 -0400
Subject: Please pray for Corey's wife and family


I'm sorry to report that Internet marketing pioneer
Corey Rudl died yesterday when the Porsche he was
riding in crashed at a racetrack near where he raced.

Corey died as he lived - going full out and holding
nothing back.

You might know that Corey was a marketing genius. You
might have bought one of his products or visited his

You might not know that Corey was married only

Corey was only 34.

Please take a moment to pray for Corey's wife and
extended family.

If you would like to send a card or note of condolence
to his office, they can be reached at ...

1123 Fir Ave
Blaine, WA

And please take a moment out of your day to tell your
own family how very much you love them, and then keep
doing that every day for the rest of your life.

We'll miss you Corey.

Charlie Page

Our prays are with the Rudl Family - eGirls News Magazine

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June 1st and ...

June 1st and we'll glad. It finally feels good to be back to working on the next upcoming Issues. One of the things we have plan for this month is to do a interview and photo shoot (photographic director Jess James) with Lilly Nguyen (featured in SE2). She and several other eGirls got quite alot of interest. We hope to have this done within the next 2-3 weeks.

Speaking of getting interest. Our good friend Mark@IMAGEZZ.COM has been working on a super new layout that we plan to feature sometime within the next 2-3 months. All I can say is watch for it.

We get calls and email asking where can you pick a copy of eGirls News Magazine. For now we are only at several newsstands in the Los Angeles, CA and San Diego, CA area and by mail on our website for now. We are working hard to get more outlets throughout California and eventually thoughout the USA. If you are in Las Vegas, you can contact Mark@IMAGEZZ.COM. Well it's time to get back to work ... before I go, "Look for some upcoming surprises we have for you and you will only be able to find out about them first through our blog's."